Total Medals Earned: 1,006 (From 103 different games.) Total Medal Score: 21,965 Points
Medals Earned: 16/17 (455/480 points)
Crushing the balloon
Killing King Kong
Crushing the Air Racer
Crushing the Asteroid
Catching 10 Baseballs
Crushing the Coast Bomber
Crushing the Hindenburg Zeppelin
Killing Osama Bin Laden
Killing Spiderman
Crushing the tram
Crushing Donald Trump's Jet
Crushing 65 Containers
Killing 28 Cows
Eating 15 Navy Soldiers
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Crushin the Coast Guard Jet
Medals Earned: 5/5 (95/95 points)
Play the game.
Finish world 1.
Finish world 2
Finish world 3.
Make a level in the level editor.
Medals Earned: 23/31 (305/475 points)
Stay in the Sea for 1 Minute (after the shark attack)
Collect 10 Bombs
Damage the Shark with 10 Bombs
Do a 20 Streak without falling in the sea
Get 3 Jet Packs without falling down
Bounce 20 Times
Get 50 Sky Bonuses
Get Eaten by the Shark 10 Times
Score 1 Million Points
Do a 50 Streak without falling in the sea
Score 2 Million Points
Damage the Shark with 20 Bombs
Bounce 50 Times
Land on 10 Grass Platforms
Get 100 Sky Bonuses
Get Eaten by the Shark 30 Times
Collect 20 Bombs
Bounce 200 Times
Do a 100 Streak without falling in the sea
Score 3 Million Points
Score 5 Million Points
Do a 200 Streak without falling in the sea
Get 10 Near Misses
Get 20 Near Misses
Get 300 Sky Bonuses
Damage the Shark with 100 Bombs
Get 50 Near Misses
Land on 30 Grass Platforms
Collect 100 Bombs
Medals Earned: 3/5 (135/240 points)
fire your gun
Kill Peter the Ant.
accidentally kill 25 civilians in one sitting
thats scary
Medals Earned: 4/5 (120/220 points)
Play the game for the first time!
Destroy a trash can/cone
Get at least 100 dollars
Win the game
Get at least 25 Pizzas!!
Medals Earned: 2/11 (10/325 points)
Never mind, I wanna go browse Newgrounds dot com instead.
Now everyone knows you like uncensored NG humor.
To get paid? Nah man. To get ice cream.
Save the Day with a full Mayhem Bonus.
The uh, safety was off there.
2 Left Thumbs would be proud.
Make a big explosion!
Complete the Pacifist Route.
If you do see Peter the Ant by chance, smoosh 'em.
Run out of ammo and die.
You beat the game with TOUCH CONTROLS. I'm AFRAID of you. Just kidding.
Medals Earned: 1/8 (5/115 points)
Quit a song once started
Clear Safe Space with at least a Silver Tongue ranking.
Clear Don't Matter to Me with at least a Silver Tongue ranking.
Clear Stunning and Brave with at least a Silver Tongue ranking.
Clear Watch It All Fall Down with at least a Silver Tongue ranking.
Clear Because You're From London with at least a Silver Tongue ranking.
Clear Get It Out The Door with at least a Silver Tongue ranking.
Get over 50 shart notes in a song
Medals Earned: 2/12 (10/280 points)
Visit the creators' website
Sell a tower
Upgrade all 3 tower types to maximum in the same level
Purchase all permanent upgrades
5-star every level
Earn a heart from eating 4 enemy organs
Beat Hanzou
Beat Jebus
Beat Bizarro Tom
Beat the game without getting any permanent upgrades
Medals Earned: 13/18 (150/275 points)
Destroy 75 rafts!
Kill 17 swimming birds!
Kill 200 Cavemen!
Cut off 80 crocodiles limbs!
Crush 12 dinosaur eggs!
Kill 500 fishes!
Kill 40 flying birds!
Kill 12 hippos!
Kill 35 running birds!
Crush 100 shells!
Kill 6 giant spiders!
Kill the giant turtle in under 30 seconds!
Cut off 25 plesiosaur limbs!
Kill the dragonfly in under 5 seconds!
Kill the first flying reptile in under 5 seconds!
Kill the second flying reptile in under 5 seconds!
Kill the third flying reptile in under 5 seconds!
Crush 10 giant trees!
Medals Earned: 9/10 (440/490 points)
A taste of things to come..
Is It human ?
Discover Your First Piece of Evidence
Escape the Lazer Room
Defeat the Ultimate Tyrant
Escape the Trap Room
Do business with the mysterious Merchant
Defeat the mutated monster
Complete Chapter 1
Drop E-103 during your second encounter